Kailua’s After School Program

KAILUA IS POSITIVELY challenged by a constantly increasing number of students enrolling in its after school program. When the children stay after a full day of regular school and engage in more learning activities for two to three hours more, then we are tasked to make the courses really worthwhile.
The school’s after school program caters to the interest and needs of regular Kailua students, graduates of the school, students from other international schools, Japanese private schools and a large number from Japanese kindergarten, elementary and middle schools. The age range is from two years old to junior high school level and the maximum number set for each course is 10 students.

The main objective of the program is acquisition and improvement of English communication skills and the sub-objectives depend on individual courses. The afternoon is divided into three one-hour sessions: 3–4pm, 4–5pm, and 5–6pm. The parents and their children are given the full list of courses and they decide which ones in which to participate. The students are able to be in three different courses if they are enrolled for the full three hours.

Individualized Studies is a session designed for children who prefer this highly academic area with concentration on English (reading, vocabulary, grammar, writing and spoken English). English And Math Play Fun is a course for the younger children. Eiken Preparation trains the kindergarten to middle school students for the UN Tests, and the Eiken Levels Bronze, Silver, Gold, Grades 5 to 1. Grade 1, being the highest, is the level for middle school and high school. Some advanced students will be able to take two levels of the tests within the year. Performing Arts is open to students from kindergarten to junior high school. This culminates in the staging of two or three full musicals during the year term. Soroban for kindergarten to elementary strengthen computation skills. Piano levelled instruction from kindergarten to elementary school pupils will schedule two performances for parents and friends.
Junior Funk Dance, kindergarten to elementary school to further develop rhythm and movement skills, plans two to three public performances.
Kailua teachers and three parents, all with extensive experience related to their courses, make sure that the days’ extended learning fun continue at Kailua.
