The bucket-filling community of Hitokoe Yokohama

The 2013–2014 Hitokoe Yokohama International School (HYIS) school year started with a shared reading of “How Full Is Your Bucket?” and the song “Bucket Filler.” The school community, parents and students alike, have been actively engaged in promoting how to be “true-blooded” bucket-fillers; i.e., being kind and thoughtful to others.

Parents have had their fair share of being bucket-fillers too, as they volunteer to support the school’s events. The school’s annual omochitsuki (mochi-pounding) is just one of the many events the children are looking forward to. The Sunshine and Super Kids students take turns partnering with the younger students as they pound the glutinous rice to make mochi. These opportunities to cooperate and also mentor prevail throughout every day at HYIS — from the moment students arrive in the morning, through to playtime, class time, and dismissal, and can be seen during school-wide activities and learning centres. HYISians try their best to be bucket-fillers throughout their time at school, during the formative years, and it is amazing to see how kind words and acts nurture each individual child and become such a significant part of their education.

As 2014 commences, the HYIS students look forward to continuing their bucket-filling acts for others. The winter is blanketed, not with snow, but with the warmth of the children’s friendly smiles and greetings that radiate throughout the entire school and neighbourhood.
For details on information sessions and trial lessons for the 2014–2015 academic year, please phone the school office at 045-363-3356 or email [email protected]. HYIS welcomes children from ages one year and five months to six years old.

The bucket-fillers of HYIS wish Japan School News readers a very happy new year! — PATRICIA ALDANA

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