Gregg International students graduation celebrations

Gregg International School’s recent celebrations marking the K5 children leaving to join first grade were very special. The students worked hard on their speeches and songs, and were thrilled to receive lovely gifts before their graduation party. Proud parents watched their children talk about their expectations for the next stage of their education, with Yoon Ji happily announcing that she thought the work would be “easy”! The students sang their own version of “New York, New York,” and “Goodbye Kindergarten,” complete with a special dance routine, which was a resounding success and resulted in loud applause.

Finally, it was the grade six students’ turn to take the floor with Master of Ceremonies Kai Alex Watanabe (grade 5) displaying great skill as he announced the program of events. The older students also performed songs, singing along with great gusto, with “Heal the World” being their favourite.

Kai and Noah showed off the skills they had performed at the spring concert earlier this year, and incorporated a bit of juggling too. Haruki and Brian recited some poetic prose (“The Bridge” by Shel Silverstein) and Ruruka and Brian showed off their expertise on the piano.

The event was a great success, and everyone wishes the graduating students the best of luck for their futures. — SUE SOUTHERN

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