Keiki Intercultural Preschool

School Keiki Intercultural Preschool
Address Nakamachi 4-5-8, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-0091
Phone 03-3703-8778
Fax 03-3703-8778
Email [email protected]
Age 18 months–6 years old (after-school program, 3–10 years old)
Gender 50% boys, 50% girls
Class size 4–8
School size 30
Slogan N/A
Goals We aim to provide a positive environment where children learn, love, and grow in three areas:

  • Socio-emotional development: we aim to let children develop a sense of self-esteem so that they feel important and worthwhile. We try to help children demonstrate a positive attitude toward life. We teach them self-respect and respect for others. Children need to understand and respect individual differences and cultures. They need to work co-operatively with others to be able to complete a task and resolve conflicts constructively.
  • Cognitive development: we help children acquire learning and problem-solving skills. Children learn to be able to ask and respond to questions, observe and make discoveries, and apply information and experiences in new contexts. We help them expand their logical thinking skills—through the use of manipulative toys and instruments, children learn to classify objects, compare and contrast, arrange objects in series, and recognize patterns. We teach them to expand their imaginations and engage in make-believe play.  We aim to help them expand their verbal communication skills—children should be able to follow simple directions and adequately communicate their needs, ideas, and natural curiosity. We help them develop pre-reading skills—children need to acquire a love of books, to acquire listening skills, and be capable of repeating simple stories.
  • Physical development: we assist in the development of gross motor skills—children need to use large muscles for walking, jumping, running, and balancing with confidence. We help them refine and enhance their fine motor skills, improve hand–eye coordination for writing and drawing, and using their small muscles for self-help skills. We emphasize the use of all senses in learning by demonstrating skills in discriminating sounds, images, tastes, smells, and the differences in textures and patterns.

Read full profile in the Guide to International Schools in Japan.

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