MIS to hold Third Open Day & International Day

On June 23rd Makuhari International School is holding its third annual Open Day. The school will be open during the morning and afternoon for parents of the children at MIS who are keen to come in and see the school in action once more. This year MIS will be welcoming other visitors who wish to come and view the school. For those who have never been to MIS before, Mr. Rogers, the Head of School will give a presentation and tour after which visitors are more than welcome to spend the remainder of the day touring classes. More information about this day can be found on the school web site.

On July 13th MIS will be holding their annual International Day. This will only be open to parents or children already attending MIS. The plans this year should provide a wonderful day for parents and children to experience the MIS continued interest in opening up the children’s eyes to culture, traditions and food from around the world. This year children will be performing songs, dances and other selections from a country of choice. MIS will also have their usual outside performers to entertain during the morning, including their friendly Irish Band, Thai Dancers, Jazz Trio and others from their recent Bazaar.

Lunch will be a time to experience different foods from around the world – cooked and made by the wonderful parents at MIS. All proceeds of food sales will go towards earthquake relief for those still suffering as a result of the March 11th earthquake and tsunami.

That afternoon there will be a renewal of the Eco Pledges after which children and parents are going to take part in a sponsored litter collection in the local areas. The children will aim to raise money via this event, again using the donations for those still suffering the effects March 11th. (Let’s hope that they can find some!) It should prove to be another exciting event at Makuhari. — MIS

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