Chateau des Bambini’s first field trip

June 4 was Chateau des Bambini Saturday school’s first field trip. The destination was the Shinagawa Aquarium. The children left early in the morning, all excited for the trip. As they rode the bus to their destination, they guessed what kind of fish they would see upon their arrival.

The children were energized as they explored each tank and talked about the shapes, sizes, and colours of the different fish. They especially enjoyed being permitted to touch the starfishes inside one tank, and were amazed at how the creatures felt.

The aquarium held two special events during the children’s visit — a dolphin show and a sea lion show. The students were curious about how the dolphins could manage to jump so high.

Despite the children’s excitement and their reluctance to get back to the bus and head home, they all fell asleep within minutes of boarding.

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