Lights, Camera, Action! Filmmaking 101 at Aichi

Over the course of one week, twenty students at the Aichi International School summer program came together to produce a series of independent films and one collaborative project. With only five days to complete the course, they had to quickly work toward this ambitious goal.

It was a hands-on learning experience and the students were quick to familiarize themselves with the equipment and processes from day one. From storyboarding to setting up shots and editing film in front of a green screen, it truly was a crash course in filmmaking where the class came together to produce an outstanding body of work and a wonderful short film.

The aim was for this session to be project-based, with a strong focus on integrating technology into the program. Staff with backgrounds in computers and technology were excited to incorporate computers, video equipment, smart phones, and even an iPad into a week’s worth of lessons. Guidance was provided on how to use the equipment, but once the students were comfortable they were free to work on their own. The students were amazed by what they were able to produce by themselves.

By the end of the first day, the students had already established a direction they wanted to take and had come up with some very innovative approaches to telling a story through a medium they had never explored before. Each morning, students set out the goals for that day, with everybody having a clear role in the project. The students worked in teams but were free to move around and participate in every aspect of the film production. They met throughout the day to discuss the progress being made and the challenges facing everyone.

Then everybody gathered together to watch the footage that had been shot that day, and to discuss how shots could be incorporated or how they might be approached differently. Students encouraged one another and offered each other support and assistance throughout the week. It truly was a collaborative effort. — LORIER REYGEL

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