Typhoon rapids for Aoba-Japan International

Aoba-Japan students and staff white water rafting on a recent school trip. AOBA-JAPAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL

Every year the eighth and ninth graders from A-JIS embark on an overnight adventure trip to the Yuzawa area of Niigata. The highlight is always rafting on the Tone River near Minakami.

Students and teachers embarked on a white water rafting trip down the storm-filled river just a day after a strong typhoon had passed through.

Less hazardous, but equally enjoyable, was the zip-line adventure in Yuzawa Kogen Highland. Students enjoyed spectacular views from the top of the ropeway, and experienced the thrills of riding down the rope and pulley systems through the forest. With camping, food, conversation, and hiking, this was a very welcome break from the daily routine of school at A-JIS. — ROYCE JACOBS

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