Trick or treating in the Summerhill neighbourhood

Summerhill families exploring the neighbourhood in their Halloween costumes. JEFF KRATZ

Trick or treating has never been so much fun! On Halloween day, Summerhill International School organized The Halloween Trick or Treat Trail. The students and their families began the afternoon with a Halloween party at school, which was followed by going trick or treating to friends’ houses and a local business in the neighbourhood. The students had a great time with family members and classmates, collecting treats and enjoying the excellent weather.

Pirates and princesses are Halloween classics and were represented, but some notable surprises were also on hand. The big green Sumo mascot was in attendance, alongside a monk and a werewolf. After the students had finished walking the trail, everyone got together and posed for a group photo. It was great to have everyone pitch in and help to make it a great Halloween. — JEFF KRATZ

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