Chateau School concept on national TV news

Diplomats Masaichi Maehara and Apple Hutt with grains and spices from different regions of the world during a recent cooking project. RINA BOVRISSE

The Chateau School diplomats started the summer term with a United Nations theme. This summer, diplomats from 1–6 years old are learning about and comparing worldwide cultures and diversity to create “my world” projects through which they present the world of their dreams.

Also last month, Chateau School was introduced on TBS national morning news, selected as an example of a new concept in international education. The school’s unique program of Montessori methods combined with global cultural excursions, where each morning children check in at “customs” with their passports, was featured as indicative of a school for future members of a cosmopolitan society.

The multilingual, early education program was also highlighted. Currently, 3–6-year-old diplomats are learning English, Chinese, Japanese and French. Arabic and Spanish are scheduled to start this fall.

In a weekly group project, diplomats learn about international cooking, including local ingredients and traditional table manners. Each diplomat has a “My Recipe” booklet that they individually complete. After a full year, the booklet is expected to have 50 recipes from around the world. Next month’s theme is Oceania. — RINA BOVRISSE

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