Public seminar at NewIS

“Assessment is for Learning” is the topic of the next seminar scheduled for Friday, October 19, from 9:15–11:15am at New International School of Japan (NewIS).

When parents think of assessment, it is usually the assessment OF learning. How much of the material has the child learned or not learned, on the basis of some test? The tests are graded and the learning, or the lack of it, is measured by that, and in comparison to everyone else in the class. The focus tends to be on content and is merely summative assessment that, research shows, doesn’t positively impact effective teaching and learning.

The seminar will discuss a completely different method of assessment; one that is formative and gives the student rich feedback on their learning. Formative assessment is advocated by many educational consultants and used at innovative schools worldwide.

The main presenter will be NewIS Headteacher Tim Stearns, who began his career as a Montessori teacher in the United States, but then earned degrees from British universities and taught in Scotland for many years, rising to the position Principal Teacher. He joined NewIS in 2005.

The seminar will be given in English with Japanese interpretation. Interested parties should call the school at 03-3980-1057 to RSVP. A map is on the website at

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