Rainbow International Montessori’s winter camp

Following their Christmas party, Rainbow Montessori held a winter program December 13–29.

Children enjoyed art and craft projects using stickers, paint, and trinkets from which they made pop-up Christmas cards and a 3D Christmas tree, all the while developing their fine motor skills.

When the weather was fine, the children spent the day at a nearby park, running and playing games, singing about the weather, and greeting neighbours as they passed by.

Making healthy oatmeal cookies was a popular activity during the winter program. The children took turns measuring the ingredients, and had a lot of sticky fun shaping the mixture into balls and other more adventurous shapes!

They were thrilled to learn how to make their own play dough, and to know that they could even make this at home. Out of this, they made play food and role-played being in a restaurant—enjoying being staff and customers alike.

The camp was a great opportunity to see how older children have really grown to love Rainbow, as they assisted teachers with the meals. Their growing independence and confidence could easily be seen as they set tables, and showed courtesy to visitors. It was very rewarding for teachers to see how such polite manners, learned during regular term-time, had become such a part of the children’s daily interactions.

Rainbow starts a Saturday school this month, from 9am–2pm, for children aged 4–6 years. A daily tutoring class is also available from 3–4pm (flexible hours on Saturdays) and the 50% discount on registration is still available. Call 03-5771-3668 for more details.


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