Summerhill’s “Winter Fun”

Summerhill students, along with children from local Japanese schools and some overseas visitors, enjoying the school’s recent Winter Fun program with their teachers. JEFF KRATZ

Before the beginning of the winter vacation the students of Summerhill International School had “Winter Fun” — five days of seasonal activities. Making ornaments, writing holiday cards, baking cookies, and making gingerbread houses were all part of the fun, but a few field trips also helped to make this time memorable. The students and teachers had a blast making crafts, playing musical instruments, and exploring the play areas of Kodomo no Shiro in Aoyama.

Other students from Japanese schools who were on vacation, and same-aged students who were visiting Tokyo for the holidays joined the students who attend Summerhill all year long. The children had a great time meeting new friends and the visitors enjoyed spending time at Summerhill.

Summerhill hosts their Winter Fun program each year during the winter holidays and also has a Summer Fun program. This year’s Summer Fun program will run from June 18 until July 20. Please contact Summerhill with any questions at [email protected]. — JEFF KRATZ

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